
Following the latest announcement by the Government of Malaysia, we are pleased to announce that all facilities at the Club are now available effective Friday, 22 October 2021.
For the safety and well-being of our members, visitors, and employees, only fully vaccinated members are allowed to utilise the Club facilities while adhering to the Clubhouse Safety Measures in compliance with the guidelines set by the authorities.
Clubhouse Safety Measures:
- Compulsory to present COVID-19 Vaccination Digital Certificate or Card that shows:
- 28 days after the date of single dose received (applicable for Johnson & Johnson and CanSino vaccine), OR
- 14 days after the date of second dose received (applicable for Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Sinovac vaccine)
- For children aged 17 years old and below are only allowed to enter the Club with the companion of fully vaccinated parents or guardian.
- Mandatory check-in via MySejahtera and temperature screening before entering the club.
- Observe 2-metre gap of social distancing.
- Practice good personal hygiene and wash hands frequently with soap and water.
- Encourage no handshake policy.
- Hand sanitiser stations at all key locations.
- All front-liners to wear double face mask and face shield.
- Scheduled cleaning of all high traffic areas and frequently touched surfaces using disinfectant spray or wipes thrice daily.
- Practice online meetings or phone call, wear double face mask and face shield if face-to-face meeting is needed.
Golf Booking:
- Bookings for Members will be available via mobile application, or call 03-2011 1400 from 6.30am to 7.00pm.
- Walk-in golf booking is not available until further notice.
- Bookings for 1st and 2nd nine tee-times for both courses are now available through online or mobile application (first come, first served basis)
Golf Operations:
- Twin-sharing of buggy and caddie are allowed.
- Usage of caddie is on first come, first serve basis, subject to availability.
- All buggies (steering wheel, seats, sand bottles, coolers etc.) are wiped down before and after each round with disinfectant spray or wipes.
Sports facilities:
- Driving Range – only one golfer is allowed for each bay.
- All sports facilities – Spectators / Non-players are not allowed.
- All changing rooms are open
Dining Outlets:
- Takeaways are available and dine-ins are allowed with physical distancing of at least 2-metre.
Please refer to the Reference Table for the latest schedule.
Thank you.